Do You Need Proof You Can Talk to Your Pet?
Nov 03, 2021
Is talking to animals really possible? Like, REALLY? Is there any way to prove that you are talking to your pet and they are understanding - and responding? Let's tackle the elephant in the room of animal communication!
Have you ever watched your pet dig into their food when it is something they really really REALLY like?
How did you know your animal was really enjoying their dinner? It was obvious, right? But how was it obvious? Let's unpack this.
First, your mind probably had the thought "s/he really loves to eat!"
Cool. Okay. Dinner was a hit. Check, please!
What else? What else besides your thinking mind told you that your pet was happy with their meal?
Imagine for a moment that your brain was frozen - it literally could not think a single thought. What would be left to clue you in on your pet's enjoyment?
How about sounds?
Perhaps you heard smacking, crunching, chomping, slurping, chirping....or no sounds at all if your animal was so busy gobbling because it was just that good.
And what about images?
A pet with their face in their food sends a pretty clear message, doesn't it!
So let's play with this a little more.
Right now, imagine you are giving your animal their very favorite food. They get all excited and start snarfing hungrily.
How are you feeling in that moment? What are the feelings that bubble up within you as you watch your animal companion eating with such enjoyment?
I'll throw some out and see if any of these resonate with you.
Joy. Gratitude. Love. Eagerness. Cuteness overload (yes, that is a bonafide feeling in my book). Appreciation. Closeness. Desire for more.
What if - just hang with me here - some or all of these feelings aren't just coming from within you? What if these feelings are messages your animal is sending TO you - kind of like a sensory thank you card for such a delicious dish?
Animal communication taps into the universal language of all species. If you've been reading along here for any amount of time, you know this already because I say it a lot, but truly it bears repeating. This universal language isn't complicated. It doesn't take years of grueling study and practice to start using it.
It is enough to be alive. It also helps to be awake and aware. To tune in. To notice. And to (as one of my favorite teachers, The Four Agreements's Don Miguel Ruiz, likes to say) become willing to not make any assumptions.
What makes assumptions about whether animal communication IS or ISN'T possible? It is your mind, of course.
But what if we freeze your mind again for a moment and you can't use it? The only way you can send and receive messages is through your senses - images, sounds, emotions, touch, taste, smell and deep gut instinct?
Without your thinking brain in the mix, your world opens up to subtler communication channels. And this is precisely what makes animal communication possible. That openness itself is also what makes animal communication work.
Let's try something else.
Imagine today is the day you have to take your pet to the vet. You think to yourself, "I'm going to just act natural so they won't know where we're going."
Suddenly, your pet is nowhere to be found. You try putting treats in their carrier. Nope. You pull out a favorite toy and offer to play a game. Crickets. You break out the leash and cheerily call "Walkies?" No dice.
How does your animal know? Really - how do they always KNOW?
The truth is, the biggest obstacle to animal communication is always the human. We are always the last one to the party.
Your animal is always communicating with you, and they are doing it using channels human animals and non-human animals share in common. We use our eyes, ears, taste buds, noses, skin, emotions and - as a last resort if you are a non-human animal - minds to communicate with the world around us and the other beings we share it with. So do all those other beings. We all have the same basic tools to communicate with one another.
So your pet knows it is "vet day" because you unknowingly sent them a mental picture of the vet's office the moment your calendar beeped the alert. As you saw the mental picture of you walking into the vet's office with your pet, you felt that heightened anxiety you always feel when you worry your pet might get scared. So then you broadcasted that worry and fear to your pet as well.
It is no wonder they are hiding. They got your message loud and clear and their deliberate absence is their reply.
But what if you have gotten this far and you still feel skeptical. That is okay. In fact, skepticism is a facet of our survival instincts too.
What I have learned as I work with people and their pets is that being skeptical can be a good thing in the right hands. (In fact, Don Miguel Ruiz also encourages us "be skeptical but learn to listen.")
For example, a healthy dose of skepticism can support you to choose an ethical, honest and authentic animal communicator who is willing to work to gain your trust. But too much skepticism, like too much of anything, really, is just going to close down all of your sensory channels and cheat you of the chance to try animal communication for yourself and just see what happens next.
My first experience of animal communication actually happened when I hired an animal communicator. Working with her provided the tangible experience I needed that two-way interspecies communication is real and possible.
Want to have that experience for yourself and your pet? I can help!
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