
Do You Need a Pet Talk Therapist or Animal Communicator?

animal communication pet behavior Dec 01, 2021
Dog reading book

Relationships are hard enough work when you are both the same species. Is there such a thing as a pet therapist when the challenging relationship in your life is with your pet? Learn how pet therapy might work with Shannon of Animal Love Languages.


Therapy basically means treatment.

Not surprisingly, many different types of therapy exist. There is therapy for the body. Therapy for the mind. Therapy for the emotions. Therapy for the spirit.There is therapy for a single individual and therapy for two or more individuals.


Generally speaking, all of the above applies whenever we are talking about therapy for people. But what about when we are speaking of therapy for pets?


When we talk about therapy in the context of animals, usually we mean one of two things: physical therapy to help a pet recover from an injury or illness or remedial training to correct animal behavioral imbalances or issues.


Sometimes we are also talking about pet therapy as animal-assisted therapy, such as when kids read to animals to master their ABCs or pet parents bring their animals to nursing homes to cheer up the residents.


All of these are good. And none of these are what we are looking at in this particular post.


What do you do when everything you have tried to help your pet isn't enough to help your pet? Is there such a thing as a pet therapist? Where might you find one?


A pet therapist is called an animal communicator. Pet communicators help pets and their people every single day.


As an animal communicator, I regularly help pets and people understand one another better, see complex issues from different perspectives, negotiate win-win compromises and sort out misunderstandings.


Even the rosiest relationships will occasionally hit a rough spot, ride over a few rapids together, encounter issues or situations neither individual knows how to cope with. The challenge is compounded when the two participants come from different species and do not even have a shared language with which to sort out differences.


When there are more than two participants and species involved, the communication challenges get magnified yet again.


As an animal communicator, I translate your pet's perspective into language you can understand. I am like a translator for your pet so the two (or three or four) of you can talk openly and honestly - the building blocks of any good therapy session.


When do you need pet therapy? It really depends on the relationship itself. Some relationships benefit from weekly or monthly therapy sessions. Other relationships might need a short course of pet therapy at the beginning or during a rough patch or when one individual is ready to make their end of life transition.


Still other relationships find benefit in occasional check-ins just to make sure all is well, get questions answered, chat about upcoming changes or new opportunities, build a deeper and stronger connection.


There is no right or wrong way to make use of pet therapy assisted by animal communication. There is only the way that is right for you and your pet.


Would you like to explore how pet therapy can enhance your connection with your pet? I can help!


Scheduling your pet's animal communication session couldn't be easier!Β 

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